
Murgee Auto Clicker Software
murgee auto clicker software

murgee auto clicker softwaremurgee auto clicker software

The Small video displays all the steps outlined below.You can Unlock Trial of Auto Mouse Click Software Utility by paying USD 9.87 on 1 Windows Computer for usage of upto 3 Months from the Date of Payment of Activation Fees, once the Free Software Trial Ends.Given below steps outline how to automatically initiate mouse clicks. The Mouse Click Script can be loaded to run at a laterYou can also watch a Video for Automating Mouse Clicks at the bottom of thisPage. The Auto Mouse Click UtilityAllows to group Mouse Clicks (let's call the group as Mouse Click Script) and SaveThem in a File for later use.

Murgee Auto Clicker Software Software UtilityPresented Here

The Rest of the steps require you to specify where to click mouse,Define mouse click type, delay, whether to return mouse cursor to it's originalOnce you are done specifying the mouse clicks, you can start automating mouse clicksBy pressing the button labelled Start and you can stop the mouse click automationBy pressing the button labelled Stop. Just move mouse cursorAnywhere on the screen and press the hotkey.Whenever you press the HotKey configured above, the current mouse cursor locationWill be prefillded in X Co-Ordinate and Y-Co-ordinate edit boxes at the top of theNow you have a HotKey with which you can automatically read Mouse Cursor PositionGiven below steps outline, how you can automate mouse clicks with the software utilityPresented here. In case you do know the X and Y co-ordinates,You can also fill them in the Main Window of Auto Mouse Click Software Utility.Look at the bottom of the Software Utility, where it reads Other Settings,Here notice the Hot Key to get Mouse Position.Press any Key here to get the Mouse Cursor Position, Let's say F6 and click on theNow test the new hot key to get the mouse cursor position. During installation of Auto MouseClick Software utility, you can opt the create a Desktop Shortcut or you can launchThe software utility from the Programs Menu.Step 2 : Configure HotKey to get Mouse Cursor PositionGiven below steps outline, how you can get mouse cursor position automaticallyBy pressing a configurable Hot Key.

The video presentsHow to automate mouse clicks easily. The First one is save the Mouse Clicks in a File by pressing Save Clicks and the second thing you would need is a Scheduler.You can also double click on the Mouse Clicks file (.amk) to run the Mouse Clicks automatically.Watch Auto Mouse Click utility in action here in this video. Please use the Stop button to stop automating the mouse clickOr close the Software Utility to stop automating Mouse Clicks.By following steps outlined above, you can add more Mouse Clicks and you can alsoSave Mouse Clicks in a file for later use.Editing already added Mouse Click can be done by clicking on the List of Mouse Clicks,Specifying new values and clicking on the button labelled Update.In Order to run Auto Mouse Clicks at a specified date / time, you would need 2 things. Once you are done specifying the Mouse Click, Click on the button labelled Add.After following steps above, now you can test your newly added Mouse Click by pressingThe Start Button. The Repeat Count value specifies how many times all the mouse clicks should be run, Repeat Count of 0 says keep on running mouse clicks infinite time, any other value will specify how many time the mouse clicks should be run.Once you do have desired X and Y Co-ordinates on Computer Screen, you now can automateMouse click (left button single click, right button single click, and double clicks).Select the Click Type (Left Click, Right Click, etc) from the Combo near labelIn case you do want Mouse Cursor to return back to original location after clickingOn the specified X and Y Co-ordinates, please do check the checkbox labelledIn case you do leave the Check Box Cursor Back unchecked, then during automationOf mouse clicks, the mouse cursor will be moved to the specified X and Y Co-ordinates,The mouse click will be initiated and the mouse cursor will be left at the clickThe edit box labelled Delay before Click allows you to specify delay in Seconds You can also Save the MouseClicks in a file to run them at a later time.

murgee auto clicker software